Social Media Club Salt Lake City Kickoff

I (Chris Heuer) had a chance to help the good folks in Salt Lake City kickoff their local group earlier today. Some great people there – wish I was there in person. Am so lucky I get to do stuff like this and share our vision with others – thank you all for listening and helping carry it forward.

In this quick overview of the history of the club and an introduction to current endeavours, we give a good overview of what the club is about, why it started and where we are headed. I also get a chance to give some advice about what is one of the most important things to focus on in launching a new chapter/group. The answer is something I have been thinking about a lot lately – back to the origins of BrainJams, the idea of bringing peple from different backgrounds together and not letting anyone ‘clique’ or industry be the sole owners of the conversation at Social Media Club.

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  1. #1 by Gary Viray - January 25th, 2009 at 08:59

    I wonder how many members are there from the Philippines at the moment. Will refer this to friends and hopefully a chapter can be formed here also.

  2. #2 by Dennis Lankes - January 28th, 2009 at 07:31

    Enjoyed the post and wondered what it takes to create a Social Media Club?

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